Friends from Work


[Firm name] is a wonderful place to work. One of the best parts is that, unlike any other place I have ever worked, with rare exceptions everybody is smart and has a real sense of humor.

In other words, they are people with whom one can socialize without strain.

Here are pictures of some of my favorites.

Bill was my mentor when I came to [firm name] and continues to me my idol. "When I grow up, I want to be like Bill."

Recently Bill has taken to the boards and played roles in musicals performed by a local non-professional group in his spare time. There is another page with more pictures of Bill.



Jay serves with me on the [Committee Name] Committee. His acumen is legend, and you can always count on him to come to the point quickly!

He has been a good and supportive friend, and time and again, helped me through the occasional "low period."


Tom and I go way back to 1978, when we both worked at Lehman Brothers.

Tom takes credit for bringing me to [firm name]; he preceded me by three years. We became good friends and share a number of common interests.

Since 2003 we have been partners.


tom-r1.jpg (20107 bytes)

Carolyn and Jim have been among our favorite companions on the annual [firm name] Firm Trips.

Caroline and Jim

Carolyn and Jim


Home Up My Friend Ed My Friend Gerhard The Nolands Friends from Work Friends fromPolitics More FriendsMore Bill Bill's Other Career