Friends fromPolitics


I made number of good friends from my time in politics. Here are the major ones, except Laura, who has her own page with Dennis
Lillian was my "Jewish Grandmother." Which meant that we loved each other without reservation, that she made me chicken soup when I was sick; she only wanted for me that I be married happily, she always brought chopped liver to my parties, and she complained periodically that I didn't call her often enough. She was one of the closest people in my life.

We had met at VID, when Lillian was working on one of Bella Abzug's campaign.

Lillian, ca. 1985

lillian.jpg (20719 bytes)

Mary was one of my most important "co-conspirators."
We won our most groundbreaking victories when she was chairing the New York County Democratic Judiciary Committee.

Mary with Ms. Santa Klaus, 1994

Mary and Ms. Klaus

Jerry taught me everything I know about Judicial Politics.
He was the instigator of our first major victory: the race which Margaret Taylor won for Civil Court by a 3:1 landslide against a coalition of four old-line clubs.

Jerry getting a Christmas present

Jerry gets a Present

Ira's initial claim to fame was that he was Margaret Taylor's "boyfriend" (later husband), a great story to be told later.

He became a judge, following in his wife's footsteps, and ended up as one of the most admired judges in the New York courts.

Ira holding forth during dinner in 1999


Peter went from being a volunteer in early campaigns and "stuffing buildings" to becoming campaign manager in the legendary Margaret Taylor campaign.
He later became President of G.S.I.D.

Peter in '99



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Laura and Dennis