Java in NY 2001


In April of 2001 Old Java came to visit us again, much to our delight.

It was his first trip to America all by himself. He came with a mission: to set the groundwork for applying to go to College here. We visited MIT, Harvard, Columbia, and Brown, and stopped by at BB&N.

He also went to the theater three times ("Phantom", an opera, and "Cabaret"), ate his first pastrami sandwich, had dim sum, and did lots of other things that real New Yorkers do.

On his visit to Boston, Dennis totally indoctrinated him about what a wonderful place Boston was, how superior the Red Sox were to the Yankees, etc. Old Java was so impressed, that on his last day in NY he combed the city for a Red Sox baseball cap.

Java – a recent Red Sox fan

Java enjoys a visit to Central Park

Java does a little sorcery at Starbucks and conjures up a Latte


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