Picture Books


Here is a list of our Picture Books

1998 Events Beate's Photo Album: Rome, Mühlheim, the Northwest...
1998 Events Klaus' Photo Album: Flowers, the Berlin Wall, Brighton Beach, etc.
1998 Events Wedding Pictures, 1990
1998 Events 1998 Pictures. Highlights include: trip to Arizona, and Christmas pictures.
Montana 1998 1998 Montana Pictures. Highlights include: our trip into The Bob, Beate drives Wayne's  big truck, and Klaus' hernia.
1999 Pictures 1999 Pictures. Highlights include: our apartment renovation, and Torree's visit to New York
Montana 1999 1999 Montana Pictures. Highlights include: Beate drives the hay grappler, Klaus gets his first gun
2000 Pictures 2000 Pictures. Highlights include: Highlights include: Holly and Joe's wedding, Christmas 2000.
Montana 2000 2000 Montana Pictures. Highlights include: Beate catches her first fish, Klaus catches Bobitis, and we become trailer trash.
2001 Pictures. Highlights include: We went to Palm Springs with [firm name] and met RJ, Helen and MaryAnna visited New York, and Old Java visited New York.
2001 Montana Pictures. Highlights include a snowstorm in June
2002 Montana Pictures. Highlights include the new ranch house at Bratwurst Acres
2003 Pictures.
2004 Pictures.
2006 Montana Pictures.
2007 NY Pictures.

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